GNUstep wish list

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Packaging system in GNUstep-make integration

Scripts/bundles/custom extensions to the GNUstep-make so one can do:

> make package packagetype=deb


packagetype = deb | rpm | tgz (.tar.gz + installation script) | exe (MS Windows Install.exe)
standalone = yes | no

For the standalone solution see below "GNUstep Deployment Environment"

GNUstep Deployment Environment

An self-sufficient environment where one can build full GNUstep solution. "Chemical equation" of the process:


1.) GNUstep sources --------------> Precompiled GNUstep System domaim
2.) GNUstep system domain + installation scripts --> GNUstep Development Environment
3.) GNUstep environment + integration scripts --> GNUstep Deployment environment

Then one can use the "GNUstep Deploymen Evniornment" package like this:

1.) MyApp sources ----------------> MyApp binary
                                                    integration scripts
2.) GNUstep Deployment environment + MyApp binary -----------------------> My GNUstep Solution Environment

And here one has a deployable product "My GNUstep Solution Environment" with all necessary installation scripts. Variants of the "solutions":

  • GNUstep system domain and my application binary (fully functional gnustep environment)
  • Statically linked executable with integrated gnustep (single file + resources?)
  • MyApp system-native package with predefined requirements to appropriate GNUstep packages for the given environment

Live CD Creation mechanism


> cd MyApp
> make
> make cdimage

And you have CD image with you application.

Can be that achieved with a tool + makefile extension + bundle of live CD stuff (.tar.gz for example)?